Once everything is mounted and secure you'll need to bleed the clutch. This is normally a 2 man job, one for pumping the clutch pedal and the other to perform the bleeding procedure.
Tip: Make sure that you have at least one litre of brake fluid available for when performing this procedure.
The bleed nipple is located at the end of the brake fluid line to the left of the bell housing (pic#1). Remove the cap of the brake fluid reservoir, located under the bonnet in the front of the car (pic#2). Start to pump the clutch pedal for about 15-20 times, hard and fast, then hold the pedal IN, while someone opens the bleed nipple. Flush it then close the bleed nipple, release the pedal and continue this procedure until there's no air left in the lines. It MIGHT take a while to get all the air out, but you could also be lucky and get it all out within a couple of minutes.
IMPORTANT: ALWAYS, make sure throughout the bleeding process thet the brake fluid reservoir is always filled up.
Congrats, you're done, now put the bumper, inner arches and the wheels back on, lower the car and take it for a test drive, take it easy to begin with, drive around the block in 1st gear until the gearbox are warmed up, then you can try to paddle between the gears.
Good Luck!

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